Mar 21, 2007
March 2007: Charlotte is growing like a weed!
Today, Charlotte is One month and One week old. I can hardly believe how fast the first month went. We're really having fun with our new "toy". Charlotte is a super laid back baby, and she is an excellent eater... She has grown from 7 lbs 10oz ( at birth) to 9 lbs 13 oz (yesterday).
She's currently experiencing a bit of baby acne, but otherwise, she is doing absolutely great.
Its funny, everyone I encounter seems to ask -- "is she sleeping through the night?" -- and the asnwer is always, No. Is she supposed to sleep through the nght at 5 weeks old? No! Do I mind? No! She wakes up 2-3 times a night to nurse and then goes right back to sleep. I have no complaints...I get up at least that much to go to the bathroom anyhow!
She is starting to smile a bit, and interact with us more and more. She loves to look at the mobile over her co-sleeper, and she hates to have her diaper changed on the changing table (she prefers the soft bed). We are in love!