Oct 5, 2006

The Crib

So we arent even really sure if we will need a crib...(yes, we might indeed co-sleep with baby mcdunn, and we do know other families who have been totally crib-less and it worked out fine, their kids are normal and sweet) but since we reserve the right to do whatever the heck we want, and whatever works for us...then let's just say for now that we're keeping all of our options open...

So with that in mind, we went and bought a fancy, modern, fully yuppiefied crib...and every time I look at it, I wish it were my bed. Its gorgeous. I am jealous. Would we have bought said crib if it was not 60% off the retail value because it was a floor model at Design Within Reach? No never. We would have a crib from Ikea. But we got lucky because it was indeed 60% off, and so. we caved in to our mutual love of modern design and sustainably harvested wood and deassembled it right in the store and carted it away to come live in South Philly with us. In case you are wondering, its the Austin Crib by a company named DucDuc. For the time being, it lives in a pile on the third floor. We have no nursery picked out, and plan to have baby Mcdunn sleeping in our bed or our room for at least the first few months, so we aren't worrying about making a nursery. It just seems premature at this point....We have a HUGE bedroom (which used to be two rooms) and it just doesn't make sense not to share it with our new little creature until that scheme doesnt work anymore...

...So now we just need a mattress and sheets, a rocker, some cloth diapers, a carseat and some other small things, and we will be all set. Posted by Picasa